08.10.2019 • 

*45 points, ! *
*20 questions. need . will mark brainliest.*
~do not put "look it up" or "i don't know"
question 1

which was not a motivation for european exploration in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries?
question options:

the promise of trade with asia

the desire for economic gain

the need for a land route to china

a spirit of curiosity

question 2

why did prince henry of portugal sponsor voyages of discovery?
question options:

he was motivated by columbus's voyages to the new world.

he wanted to trade with the people of africa.

he wanted to find a way to circumnavigate the world.

he planned to be king.

question 3

how did the caravel make europeans' voyages of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries possible?

question options:

it was designed with a special sail that allowed it to sail against the wind.

it was equipped with enough rowers to propel it against any ocean current.

it had a large cargo area and could carry heavy loads across the ocean.

it was big and strong enough to make long voyages across the ocean.

question 4

which best explains how the astrolabe made voyages of exploration possible?
question options:

it sailors steer around rocky coasts.

it aided navigators in predicting the weather.

it kept crews from getting sick.

it allowed sailors to know their north-south location.

question 5

which does not explain the spanish conquest of the aztecs?
question options:

the spanish destroyed the aztecs' weapons.

the aztecs suffered many deaths from disease.

the spanish found allies among enemies of the aztecs.

the aztec capital saw widespread starvation.
question 6

which best explains why english settlers colonized new england in the mid-1600s?
question options:

to convert the native people to christianity

to practice their religion

to establish a profitable fur trade

to cultivate tobacco
question 7

which best describes the columbian exchange?
question options:

the division of the new world between spain and portugal

the development of trade routes between the new world and european nations

the influx of colonists who arrived in the new world from europe

the movement of plants, animals, and diseases between the old world and the new world

question 8

which was unknown in europe before european explorers visited the americas?
question options:





question 9

which was a reason for an increase in the transatlantic slave trade during the sixteenth century?
question options:

the spanish conquest of mexico

colonization of new england

the fur trade in canada

sugar plantations in brazil

question 10

which describes the middle passage?
question options:

the sea journey made by slaves from africa to the americas

the trade of sugar and tobacco from the americas to europe

the exchange of animals, plants, and diseases between the old world and the new world

the shipment of manufactured goods from europe to africa

question 11

which was not a cause of the protestant reformation?
question options:

sale of indulgences

thirty years' war

worldliness and greed among catholic officials

the renaissance spirit of questioning authority

question 12

which was not a consequence of the protestant reformation?
question options:

belief in predestination

wars of religion

decline in literacy

the rise of nation-states

question 13

which summarizes a result of the protestant reformation?
question options:

it prompted greater cooperation between catholics and non-catholics.

it led to better treatment of european jews.

it brought about a decline of monastic societies.

question 14

which was a cause of the thirty years' war?

question options:

defeat of the spanish armada

st. bartholomew's day massacre

conflict between catholics and protestants

council of trent

question 15

which country rose to power as a result of the peace of westphalia, ending the thirty years war?
question options:





question 16

which is an example of absolutism under king louis xiv?
question options:

persecution of european jews

construction of versailles

meeting of the estates-general

convening of the inquisition

question 17

which is an example of absolutism under russia's peter the great?

question options:

victory over the mongols

construction of st. petersburg

the time of troubles

the catholic reformation

question 18

which was a cause of the english civil war?
question options:

a split between england and scotland

disagreements between protestants and jews

rebellion in the english colonies

a dispute between the king and parliament

question 19

which was not a result of the english civil war?

question options:

beheading of king charles i

rise of absolute monarchs in england

rise of oliver cromwell

establishment of the commonwealth

question 20

which became part of english government and culture during the glorious revolution?
question options:

a new king and queen


the commonwealth

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