20.10.2020 • 

7. Prehistoric cave paintings suggest that early humans: (1 point) Obelieved they were gods
O had a profound appreciation for the beauty of the world around them
O had little artistic ability
O used an early form of written language to record the glories of the hunt
8. Why was the Cave of Lascaux closed to the public in 1963? (1 point)
The floor of the cave was becoming eroded.
O Colonies of algae and a calcite veil were developing on the cave walls.
O Visitors were inadvertently smudging artwork.
O Both A and B.
(1 point)
9. In prehistoric art, female goddesses often symbolized
O a harvest of plenty
Ofertility (human reproduction)
O Earth Mother
O All of the above.
10. Today's movie rides, virtual realities, and electronic images have which the following in
(1 point)
common with ancient cave paintings.
They both are extensions of humans' innate ability to form picture narratives in dreams.
They both are an expression of our desire to escape into a landscape of our imagination.
They both demonstrate a need to create imitations of our own world.
O All of the above.

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