04.03.2021 • 

A. Option a: A letter home Imagine you live during World War 1. Your only way of
communicating with loved ones is by writing letters to them. The
goal of your letter is for you to show me how people experienced
the war and what its immediate effects on their lives were.
i. Create a character of a person living during WW1. Examples:
1. An American soldier who has enlisted or been drafted
to fight in Europe (you can choose whatever race or
2. A person living in a city on the home front in the US
whose life has been affected by the war
3. A person working as a nurse in the American Red Cross
4. A different character that you create
ii. Write a letter at least one page, 12 point font, single spaced
from this character to a loved one telling them about how
they are experiencing the war.
ili. I'm not grading for grammar or writing ability, but for your
understanding of the time period.

A. Option a: A letter home

Imagine you live during World War 1. Your only way of
communicating wi

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