25.10.2020 • 

As a result of Imperialism, the country that ruled India in the early 1900s was . At first the Congress party pledged support for the crown, but eventually the or people with extreme opinions, within the group called for an end to the cooperation with Britain. was a man who helped Indians achieve independence. He also wanted to help the lowest social class in India, called the . After World War I, the fight for independence was renewed. Gandhi new that the Indian people would never win their fight through a military fight, so instead he called for . He also called for Indians to form a , or to refuse to buy English goods. Eventually, Gandhi was arrested. During his absence, the conflicts between two religious groups in India, the and the became more apparent. The Middle East is the birthplace of three great religions--, , and . Before World War I, the controlled the Middle East but by the end of the war, their rule was limited to what is today Turkey. received the lands called Palestine, Transjordan, and Iraq to be governed on behalf of the League of Nations. Many people in the Middle East did not want to be ruled by outside governments. became a republic after overthrowing the last Ottoman Emperor. Persia was led by after overthrowing the governments influenced by Great Britain and France. It became the country of . In Arabia, a sheikh named set out to extend his power. It eventually became the country of Saudi Arabia. The was a British document that recognized Palestine as the national home of the Jewish people but not at the expense of the Arab peoples. This conflict between the Arabs and the Jews in this area has been going on for much of history. Although there was much nationalism in the Middle East, there was also much outside interest in the area due to the fact that the region is rich in a valuable natural resource, .

By the beginning of the 20th century, most of Latin America had been free for about 80 years. None of them played a large part in World War I. However, many of these countries had political strongmen, or that ruled as dictators. These people encouraged foreigners to invest in their countries but did not share the profits with the people. In Mexico, a ruler named helped to bring economic progress to his country. However, he did not hold free elections and there was much anger within the country. Eventually there was a revolution and a man named Venustiano Carranza took control. The United States remained interested in Latin America. In 1823, it had issued the warning European countries to keep their hands off of the region. Many Latin American people felt the United States was only out to protect its own interests. In the 1930s, the U.S. implemented the Policy which promised to respect the rights of Latin American Countries.

In China, there were two important leaders, who overthrew the Ching Dynasty and became the Nationalist leader and who led the Long March and started the communist government in China.

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Chiang Kai-shek
Reza Shah Pahlavi
Mandate for Palestine
Great Britain
Alvaro Obregon
Monroe Doctrine
Good Neighbor
Sun Yat-sen

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