21.11.2019 • 

rowlog places toms
portance of each of the fol
visual summary
7. urbancnotion
10. cđv
answer the questions about vocabulary incomplete
11. what is the growth in the number of cities called
12. wich above refers to the blueprint for the behavior
population geography
1. how is the birth ate different from the rate of in
14. how is population density determined?
15. how is in different from a state?
16. which term refers to the spread of ideas, innovations and
ventions and patterns of behavior?
12. how are the economy and the infrastructure related to each
18. what does the gdp number tell you about a country's econ
18. which terms above are associated with population geograph
20. what are some examples of infrastructure?
political geography
main ideas
urban geography
and wareho bouton
of the wors paulation
the elements of culture (pp. 71-77)
1. what is the purpose of culture?
2. why is language so important to a culture?
population geography (pp. 78-82)
3. what geographic factors influence population distribution?
4. how is population density different from population distribution
political geography (pp. 83-86)
5. what are the geographic characteristics of a state?
6. what is the difference between a country with a democracy an
one with a dictatorship?
land present
a place
pins & term
economic geography

avachnology and
economics shape the
conomy of asta
• economic activities are based on
how goods or services are produced
and traded
urban geography (pp. 87-90)
7. what are some characteristics of city locations?
8. what are the basic land use patterns in cities?
economic geography (pp. 91-95)
9. why does a country need an infrastructure?
10. how are natural resources related to a country's economy?
96 chapter

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