30.05.2020 • 

Both before and during World War II, thousands of people emigrated from Europe to escape the brutal
persecution of the fascist states. This massive migration included gifted artists, scholars, and scientists, many
of whom were Jewish. Among the scientists were specialists who played vital roles in the development of the
first atomic bombs. Hitler showed little concern for the negative impact that the departure of these scientists
would have on German science. He once said,
"If the dismissal of Jewish scientists means the annihilation of contemporary German science, we shall do
without science for a few years."
In **three paragraphs** answer the following question: How do you think Hitler's way of thinking may have
contributed to the defeat of Germany in World War II? Use evidence from the text to justify your answer.
Some things you can write about include:
-Hitler's war strategy
-The effects of annihilating thousands of people
-Hitler's alienation of other countries

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