09.12.2021 • 

Compare American government with another form of government. For this activity, you will choose another country's government and compare its structure to American government.

Project Requirements:

Write a 3-4 page, double-spaced paper on the following questions (not counting the “Works Cited” page): (Please note, you are not just answering the questions individually, but including the answers in your essay.)

Describe the country’s government that you have chosen to compare to the United States. What type of government is it? (Democratic, Constitutional, Dictatorial etc.) How is the government organized? Does is have a national and local governments? Does it have branches or chambers? How is power shared and organized.
What are the country’s founding and governing documents? Does it have a constitution or a document similar to the Bill of Rights? How does the government get its power, and what restricts its power?
Find 2 rights included in the American Bill of Rights that are not permitted in the country of your choice. State the specific rights and in which amendments they are found. Provide real life examples of how these rights are used in the United States. Use news sources and articles to provide specific incidents in which these rights are used. Explain why these rights exist in the United States. Why were they included in the Bill of Rights? What are the consequences of not having these rights? Explain why these rights do not exist in the country of your choice. What are the potential consequences of having these rights? Why does the government feel their citizens should not have these rights? Provide specific examples or evidence to support your reasoning.
Find 2 rights included in the American Bill of Rights that are shared by the country of your choice. State the specific rights and in which amendments they are found.Also, state where the rights are state in your country of choice (what document?). Provide real life examples of how these rights are used in the United States and in your country of choice. Use news sources and articles to provide specific incidents in which these rights are used.c.Explain why these rights exist in the United States and in your country of choice. Why do you think both countries share these rights? What are the consequences of not having these rights?
Analyze the two governments and the rights they provide their citizens. State the advantages and disadvantages of each government model and its view of citizen rights

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