18.03.2021 • 

Create your own graphic organizer that compares and contrasts the roustrial Revolution with today's technological revolution. You will use your background knowledge from this unit to complete the portion about the industrial
Revolution, and you will use one source you found through your research to complete the portion about today's
technological revolution
Your organizer should address all of the items below.
The Industrial Revolution
. What were the causes?
. What were the effects?
. What were some problems that were a result?
. What were some benefits that were a result?
Today's Technological Revolution
What were the causes?
. What were the effects?
What were some problems that were a result
• What were some benefits that were a result?
You should also include the source information about the article or text you selected through your research
Click here for an ecample graphic organizer you may use for this assignment Or, you can create your own graphic
organizer and upload it in the space below. Click here to view the rubric for this assignment

Create your own graphic organizer that compares and contrasts the roustrial Revolution with today's

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