22.08.2021 • 

Document C: Soldier (Modified) The passage below was written by Velleius, who served as a soldier while Augustus was emperor.
ment A what ki...
the document...
-ugustus (Modi...
the document...
There is nothing a man can desire from the gods, nothing that the gods can grant to a man, which
Augustus did not bestow upon the Republic, the Roman people, and the world. The civil wars ended
after twenty years, foreign wars were suppressed, peace restored; validity was restored to the laws,
authority to the courts, and dignity to the Senate. The old traditional form of the Republic was
restored. Agriculture was returned to the fields, respect to religion, to mankind freedom from anxiety,
and to each citizen his property rights were now assured; old laws were usefully amended, and new
laws passed for the general good. Augustus was forced to hold the office of consul eleven times in a
row, despite his frequent efforts to refuse. But he stubbornly refused the dictatorship, which the
people persistently offered him. To tell of the wars waged under his command, of the peace of the
world by his victories, of his many works at home and outside of Italy would wear a writer who had
his whole life to devote to the task.
the document ...
the document...
the document ...
restored: to bring back
validity: legally acceptable
amended: changed or revised
eader was Aug...
1. When was document C written?

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