21.05.2021 • 

Elie Wiesel...Hatred vs Indifference Chicago, 1993
"I have devoted much time to exploring indifference. And, again, I came to a
conclusion that the peril threatening humankind today is indifference, even more
than hatred.
There are more people who are indifferent than there are people who hate.
Hate is an action. Hate takes time. Hate takes energy and even demands
Indifference is nothing. But indifference to hatred is encouraging hatred and is
justifying hatred. So, what we must do- I mean your peers and mine- is fight
Answer in complete sentences & in a different COLOR font.
1. What is the message Elie Wisel is trying to convey?
2. Give me an example.
3. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

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