05.07.2019 • 

Excerpt from eros turannos edwin arlington robinson she fears him, and will always ask what fated her to choose him; she meets in his engaging mask all reasons to refuse him; but what she meets and what she fears meanwhile we do no harm; for they that with a god have striven, not hearing much of what we say, take what the god has given; though like waves breaking it may be, or like a changed familiar tree, or like a stairway to the sea where down the blind are driven. are less than are the downward years, drawn slowly to the foamless weirs of age, were she to lose him. 1.one way the author presents the universal theme is by a) including, in the last stanza, imagery of nature and its power. b) introducing, in the first stanza,the conflict of the protagonist. c) expressing, in the last stanza,the dissonance felt by the protagonist. d) introducing, in the first stanza,the imagery prevalent throughout the poem. my answer is b am i correct

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