18.12.2020 • 

HELP PLEASE Read the excerpt from Theodore Roosevelt’s 1910 "New Nationalism” speech.

It has become entirely clear that we must have government supervision of . . . all corporations doing interstate business. . . . The effort at prohibiting [monopolies] has failed. [We must increase the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission]. . . . The Hepburn Act, and the amendment . . . finally passed Congress at the last session, represent a long step in advance, and we must go yet further.

What can you infer about Roosevelt’s perspective on monopolies? Select three options.

He was against government regulation of private businesses.
He thought the government should never affect businesses’ profits.
He hoped that congress would strengthen the laws against monopolies.
He was upset that laws preventing the formation of monopolies had failed.
He believed the government should control businesses operating across state lines.

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