01.02.2020 • 

Historically, new england's town meetings were good examples of
a) oligarchy.
b) federalism.
c) republicanism.
d) direct democracy.
a federal government is best illustrated by
a) japan.
b) spain.
c) the united kingdom.
d) united states of america.
the first government of the united states was the
a) constitution.
b) mayflower compact.
c) articles of confederation.
d) declaration of independence.

"we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

the declaration of independence
this quote from the declaration of independence is referring to the principle of
a) federalism.
b) limited government.
c) checks and balances.
d) one person, one vote.
which of these was a major philosophy expressed in the declaration of independence?
a) support for states' rights and slavery
b) a belief in the natural rights of citizens
c) the need for a federal system of government
d) a belief in the benefits of a laissez-faire economy

excerpts from plato's republic, c. 400s bce
· justice is " speak the truth and to pay your "
· ")ustice is the giving to each man what is proper to "
· ")ustice is the art which gives good to friends and evil to enemies."
· ")ustice is an art of theft; to be practised however 'for the good of friends and for the harm of enemies,'"
from these quotes from the republic, it is clear that in general
a) most middle eastern governments rely on plato's works for guidance.
b) renaissance thought played a significant influence in defining "justice."
c) the definition of "justice" varies greatly from the dialogue put forth by plato.
d) the u.s. supreme court follows these definitions closely when hearing arguments.
how did the mayflower compact most impact the development of government in the colonies?
a) it was the first model of government designed and used in the colonies.
b) it created the first colonial government entirely separate from england.
c) it was the first model of government that gave everyone equal representation.
d) it set up the first colonial government with voting rights and elected officials.
how did the virginia house of burgesses differ from the government that was established by the mayflower compact?
a) the house of burgesses was a representative assembly.
b) the house of burgesses established a direct democracy.
c) the house of burgesses developed before jamestown was formed.
d) the house of burgesses included democratic participation from women.

"we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
this passage is part of the
a) gettysburg address.
b) declaration of independence.
c) preamble to the constitution.
d) articles of the confederation.
why was it hard to get laws passed under the articles of confederation?
a) to pass a law, all states needed to agree.
b) to pass a law, 9 of 13 states needed to agree.
c) the president could veto a law before it was passed.
d) the supreme court could rule any law unconstitutional.
the fundamental orders of connecticut (1638) are most important in united states political history because
a) it was one of the earliest western-style constitutions in the new world.
b) it was based on the rights of the group rather than of the individual.
c) it held that all voting would take place by all people in the colony.
d) it attempted to create a monarchy in a colonial territory.
the american concept of due process can be traced back to common law practices that were first codified in the
a) magna carta.
b) mayflower compact.
c) english bill of rights.
d) articles of confederation.
which statement best describes the power of government provided by the articles of confederation?
a) the national government held most of the power.
b) congress enforced its power by taxing the states.
c) the states had more power than the national government.
d) government served to successfully unite the needs of all states.

· the fundamental orders of connecticut

· the mayflower compact

· the virginia house of burgesses

· the pennsylvania charter of privileges
which would make the best title for this list?
a) causes of the american revolution
b) causes of the french and indian war
c) early influences on democracy in america
d) efforts to end the conflict between free and slave states

·the mayflower compact
·house of burgesses
·fundamental orders of connecticut
each of these terms dealt with the idea of
a) self government.
b) direct democracy.
c) universal suffrage.
d) religious tolerance.

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