27.02.2021 • 

History 70 POINTS HELP This political cartoon depicts the peace process after World War I.

Part A: In this image, world leaders are forcing peace terms from the Treaty of Versailles onto a man who does not agree with them. The man forced to swallow the peace terms symbolizes which country?

Part B: Identify two provisions of the Treaty of Versailles and describe their impact on Germany.

Part C: Summarize how one of your provisions described in Part B led to the start of World War II.


1./Part A: The man being forced to swallow the peace terms symbolizes Germany.

Part B: The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to accept responsibility for World War I, which caused great anger and resentment among Germans. The Treaty also took land away from Germany, which caused Germany to lose vital resources and population.

Part C: Adolf Hitler told Germans that he would not follow the Treaty of Versailles. Germans could identify with a leader who disliked the Treaty of Versailles, and liked this charismatic quality. Hitler was able to assume power in Germany, and began taking back land Germany lost in the Treaty of Versailles. He wanted to secure land for Germany and eventually start World War II by invading Poland.


2./Part A: The man being forced to swallow the peace terms symbolizes France.

Part B: France wanted to punish Germany after World War I. Germany had destroyed large segments of French and Belgian land during the war.

Part C: France appeased Germany in the years leading up to World War II


3./Part A: The man being forced to swallow the peace terms symbolizes the Central Powers of World War I.

Part B: The Armistice stopped all fighting in World War I and made Germans into prisoners of war if they did not evacuate France.

Part C: Germany was upset about the armistice and Adolf Hitler wanted revenge.


4./Part A: The man being forced to swallow the peace terms symbolizes the United States.

Part B: Wilson created the 14 Points with the idea of the League of Nations to resolve disputes, and reduced arms for all countries.

Part C: France and England did not accept Wilson's terms and instead created the Treaty of Versailles, which led to World War II.

History 70 POINTS HELP

This political cartoon depicts the peace process after World War I. Part A

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