15.11.2019 • 

Hope this somebody
q: baron de montesquieu is most closely associated with which of the following ideas?
a: separation of powers

q: what was the significance of the dominion of new england?
a: it removed some of the rights of colonists to govern themselves.

q: colonial anger about the dominion of new england was aimed at
a: sir edmund andros.

q: voltaire’s contribution to the constitution is most evident in the
a: first amendment.

q: an idea proposed during the enlightenment was that
a: people should have the right to worship as they choose.

q: the constitution creates a separation of powers within american government. this idea was influenced by the thinking of which enlightenment figure?
a: baron de montesquieu

q: the stamp act is an example of an act that created taxation without representation. this violated the enlightenment idea that
a: people should have a say in the laws they follow.

q: which question best represents the spirit and world view of the enlightenment?
a: what is the proper relationship of government to its citizens?

q: which of the following best represents locke’s concept of the social contract?
a: citizens agree to obey their government in return for protection of their natural rights.

q: thomas jefferson’s reference to “unalienable rights” in the declaration of independence was based on the ideas of which enlightenment figure?
a: john locke

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