04.03.2022 • 

HURRY Course: History 6 Unit: Africa
Assignment: Treatment of Others

Assignment Directions:
STUDENT NAME (First and Last): Christian Eckrote

You have learned about the slave trade and colonization of Africa. In this essay, you will analyze how Europeans treated the people of Africa. Be sure to use complete sentences, correct spelling, and proper punctuation. Don’t forget to read through the rubric below, so you will know what you will be graded on. Pay attention to the fact that the minimum word count will only get you a 3 in the Content and Development area of the rubric. When you are ready, upload it replacing the “Lastname” in the saved document name with your last name. Remember to include your source information in MLA formatting.

Write two paragraphs answering the following questions. You must have at least 150 words.
Demonstrate some of the ways in which the European colonization affected Africans. How were the Africans treated? How does God want us to treat each other? Please support your answers with scripture and academic sources, be sure to cite your sources in MLA format.

Write your paragraphs here:

Write your Bibliography (Resources) here:
Go to for help with the MLA format

This project will be graded on the following rubric.

20 A+ 98-100 19 A 93-97 18 A- 90-92
17 B+ 88-89 16 B 86-87 15 B 83-85 14 B- 80-82
13 C+ 78-79 12 C 76-77 11 C 73-75 10 C- 70-72
9 D+ 68-69 8 D 66-67 7 D 63-65 6 D- 60-62
5 or less F
Treatment of Others

Performance Area Highly Proficient - 4 Proficient - 3 Limited Proficiency -2 Needs Work – 1/0
Content and Development I followed the directions given. I used examples to help me make my point about how the African’s were treated. I gave enough historical background that the teacher can tell that I did some research to help me come up with my answer. I wrote at 187+ words. I followed most of the directions given, but am lacking in description, examples and/or length. I wrote 112-186 words.

My paragraph is vague. I wrote 75-111 words. My paragraph is unclear and doesn’t cover the information that is asked for. I wrote less than 75 words.
Organization and Structure My paragraph flows well with an introduction, details and a conclusion. I used complete sentences. I am lacking an introduction or my ending comes to an abrupt stop. Most of my sentences are complete and flow nicely. There are some signs of organization in my writing. Incomplete or run-on sentences are an issue. It is difficult to follow the information in this assignment. Sentence structure is poor. Or does not meet basic requirements.
Mechanical Conventions
spelling, grammar, capitalization, spacing, and punctuation Essentially error free. I used a dictionary to check spelling. Some mechanical errors but the understanding for the audience is not compromised. There are repeated errors in this writing that bring up some questions for the reader. Multiple mechanical errors that hide the writer's ideas. Or does not meet basic requirements.
Presentation I used size 12, black font that is easy to read. I used perfect MLA formatting. My uploaded document begins with my last name. There is some difficulty with font or color. I listed my source, but it is not in correct MLA formatting. My uploaded document does not begin with my last name. I used a font or color that is not easily read. I only included the name of my source. This writing is untidy, and does not meet the basic requirements. I did not include my source.
Critical Thinking I included evidence to support my topic. I remained on topic throughout my writing. I gave specific examples of how God wants us to treat each other supported by scripture. I included some evidence to support my topic. I mentioned how God wants us to treat each other, but I did not develop my thoughts or support them with scripture. This is a simple analysis without evidence to support the main idea. I did not mention how God wants us to treat each other. There is insufficient thought or information included in this assignment.

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