01.12.2020 • 

In this exercise, you will read the following brief poetry excerpt from an early modern Korean poet. The poem was composed by a female poet named Heo Nanseolheon, who lived from 1563 to 1589. She seems to have led an unhappy family life, as her mother-in-law disliked her and her children both died at a young age. These life events seem to have influenced her poetry. Noble family in the East, their influence like a burning flame

Sounds of song fill the sky

Neighbors in the North, poor and naked

Live hungry in shacks

If the noble family strength should fall overnight

They will envy their neighbors to the North

Fortune and ruin change according to the times

Escaping heaven's law is a difficult thing.

How might this poem reflect the sadness in the life of Heo Nanseolheon?

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