10.11.2020 • 

Increased tensions:
labor movements grew more powerful
Growth of mass armies – in size between 1880 and 1914
, the aggressive preparation for war, grew also.
Outbreak of War
Serbia wanted to create an state in the Balkans. They were supported by Russia.
June 28, 1914, Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavrilo .
Austrian rulers wanted to attack Serbia because of the assassination.
Austria-Hungary war on Serbia on July 28, 1914.
As a result of the of war on Serbia, Czar Nicholas II of Russia mobilizes the Russian army against Austria-Hungary. This was considered an act of war by Germany.
Germany declared war on on August 1.
Germany also declared war on France on August 3 and planned to pass through Belgian , which was neutral.
As a result, Great Britain declared war on
Section 2
Governments used to influence public opinion for or against the war.
As a result, most people believed that their nation’s cause was justified. They also believed that the war would be in just a few weeks.
Western Front
Germany had hopes of sweeping around to capture it.
They were halted outside of Paris at the First Battle of the Marne in September.
quickly turned into a stalemate, as neither the French or Germans could dislodge the other from the trenches they had dug for shelter.
kept both sides in virtually the same positions for four years.

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