15.01.2021 • 

Let's go back in time to the 1920s! You are to pretend you are ONE of the following people from the decade. You will write a description about the day in the life, or of a specific event, of you as one of the characters. A. a teenager living on a farm
B. a teenager living in a city
C. a day at school for a teenager
D. a teenager going out to a movie with friends
E. a police officer working in a city (could use with prohibition too)
G. someone going to a baseball game for the first time
H. a flapper, musician, worker, or anyone at a jazz club/speakeasy
I. a Ford Motor Company worker working an assembly line
J. someone who has traveled on an airplane for the first time
K. A bootlegger (someone who illegally produces, sells, or transports liquor

your journal must have 7-10 sentences.

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