08.02.2022 • 

“Men must be judged with reference to the age in which they dwell," Roosevelt said in a 1907 speech at the dedication of a monument to the Pilgrims. In his era, Roosevelt was hardly alone in his
advocacy for racial hierarchies, American imperialism and eugenics, which became the basis of
compulsory sterilization laws enacted by more than 30 states. The man who defeated him in the 1912
presidential campaign, Woodrow Wilson, shared similar views on race, and prominent figures such as
Alexander Graham Bell, John D. Rockefeller and Winston Churchill supported the eugenics

In the context of his time, "Roosevelt engaged meaningfully with the idea of race. He read and
published on leading evolutionary thought," Cullinane says. "That said, there were also more
progressive voices in Roosevelt's day that he dismissed."

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