19.02.2021 • 

North Carolina exercises limited state power, so local governments play a major role in administration. County governments can issue ordinances, which regulate conduct detrimental to the public’s well-being. The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) makes requests of the state government, advocating on behalf of county governments. Local governments are primarily responsible for delivering services to citizens, so the NCACC works to preserve and protect the authority of county governments to carry out this responsibility. The North Carolina State Constitution allows voters to elect sheriffs for their respective counties. A mayor is the head of a city or, in some cases, may lead a township or a village. Aldermen participate in local councils and represent their city wards.

The initiative process gives voters the power to introduce new laws. If a certain number of citizens sign a petition, then the proposed law goes onto a ballot, and the citizens are able to approve it or reject it.

Consider this excerpt from Article IX, Section 2, of the North Carolina State Constitution:

(1) General and uniform system: term. The General Assembly shall provide by taxation and otherwise for a general and uniform system of free public schools, which shall be maintained at least nine months in every year, and wherein equal opportunities shall be provided for all students.

(2) Local responsibility. The General Assembly may assign to units of local government such responsibility for the financial support of the free public schools as it may deem appropriate. The governing boards of units of local government with financial responsibility for public education may use local revenues to add to or supplement any public school or post-secondary school program.

Based on this excerpt, how is the responsibility for funding public education divided?

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