05.05.2021 • 

PLEASE HELP 1) Identify one cultural change that you have seen in your lifetime.

2) Identify something from your life that one group of people knew before another because of their geographic location.

The Renaissance, “rebirth” in French, was a cultural movement in the 14th-17th centuries during which European artists, scientists, and scholars, were inspired by Classical achievements of the Greeks and Romans, which they became aware of through ruins and Greco-Roman texts preserved by Islamic scholars in the Ottoman Empire.
The Renaissance started in Italy in the 14th century (the 1300s), but its ideas and cultural trends spread slowly across Europe. The Renaissance marked the end of the Middle Ages, but they overlap. Depending on where in Europe a person was, the Renaissance “arrived” at a different time.

“cultural movement”= culture + movement
culture is the language, ideas, inventions, and art of a particular group of people.
a movement in history is a change
As an example of a cultural change, examine the two pairs of jeans below.
Note: The cultural change represented by these pairs of jeans was a lot less important than the cultural change during the Renaissance

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