25.01.2021 • 

PLZ HELP ASAP! Use the following quote from former U.S. President John Kennedy to answer the question below:
"To fail to meet those obligations now would be disastrous; and, in the long run, more expensive. For widespread poverty and chaos lead to a collapse of existing political and social structures
which would inevitably invite the advance of totalitarianism into every weak and unstable area. Thus our own security would be endangered and our prosperity imperiled. A program of
assistance to the underdeveloped nations must continue because the Nation's interest and the cause of political freedom require it." --John F. Kennedy, 1961
Consider the quote above from President John F. Kennedy regarding the obligation he felt the United States had in helping developing countries. Which of the following does Kennedy's
statement best support? (1 point)
A. The United States must prepare for the threat of totalitarian governments by amassing nuclear arms.
B. By helping developing nations, the United States will preserve its own peace and prosperity.
C. The United States must focus on its own national interests and economic prosperity.
D. There are no clear benefits to the United States providing aid to developing countries.

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