24.02.2021 • 

Scenario #6: For several months there have been credible reports that there is mass genocide being carried out
on the part of the government against ethnic minorities in a small African nation. Amnesty
International estimates that more than 500,000 have been murdered thus far. In a speech to a
joint session of Congress, the president of the United States declares that he will commit 25,000
American troops to assist the United Nations in an effort to stop the violence against civilians
and restore peace to the country. In his speech, the president contends “as the last remaining
Superpower, the United States has a moral obligation and the means to stop the murders of
countless innocent men, women and children.”
a) Identify and explain which formal Constitutional powers apply to this scenario.
b) What informal powers and/or roles of the president apply? Explain.
c) Are the president's actions constitutional? Identify which section of the Constitution
supports your answer.
d) Do you agree with the president's decision? Why or why not?

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