03.12.2020 • 

Supporting Question: What made the ideas of Democracy successful? Part

Natural/Human Rights made the idea of democracy successful. According to John Locke in Source B, "The preservation
of life, liberty, and the property is the ultimate purpose of government.” This was important during the Enlightenment era

The First Quote "This Court has previously stated, and I fully agree that gay and lesbian Americans cannot be treated as social
outcasts or as inferior in dignity and worth. But we are judges, not Members of Congress." (I say this quote because) answer question

The second Quote The 6-3 ruling should not be taken as a sign of a new liberal court. Rather, it is a reflection of the kind of cross-
ideological consensus that can emerge when individual conservative justices have specific interests that align with those of the
four liberal justices. That type of pattern tends to be specific to the subject at hand, perhaps influenced by a national atmosphere
and trends. (I say this quote because)
Answer question 1 and 2 please

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