19.05.2021 • 

The key event that led to World War I occurred when . [ ] the Triple Alliance joined forces
[ ] the Triple Entente was formed
[ ] the Austrian archduke was murdered
[ ] German troops moved into France
What was the result of the stalemate that developed on the Western Front?
[ ] Peace was declared.
[ ] Russia withdrew from the war.
[ ] The United States remained neutral.
[ ] The battle lines changed little over four years.
The peace treaty that ended World War I .
[ ] allowed Germany to keep the territory it had seized during the war
[ ] prevented the U.S. from joining the League of Nations
[ ] gave Germany’s colonial possessions their independence
[ ] punished Germany by limiting the size of its military

The main reason the United States entered World War II was because .
[ ] Hitler planned to invade Britain
[ ] Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
[ ] German troops invaded the Soviet Union
[ ] Hitler invaded Poland
Which of the following best describes the results of the battle at Stalingrad?
[ ] The Soviets forced a surrender by cutting off German supplies.
[ ] Americans destroyed crucial German aircraft carriers.
[ ] Germany defeated U.S. troops in northern France.
[ ] Germany and the Soviet Union took control of Poland.

In 1911, Chinese nationalism and a desire to strengthen the government led to .
[ ] the rise of Mao Zedong
[ ] the Japanese invasion of China
[ ] the Boxer rebellion
[ ] the overthrow of the Qing dynasty
Which of the following best describes the Bolsheviks?
[ ] A radical socialist group that wanted a communist government
[ ] An anticommunist government movement
[ ] An elite group of Russian soldiers that supported the tsar
[ ] A temporary government that replaced Tsar Nicholas I
Which of the following most accurately describes any government that has complete control over the lives of its citizens?
[ ] nationalist
[ ] fascist
[ ] totalitarian
[ ] communist

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