28.01.2020 • 

The mughal empire was established by

question 2 (worth 5 points)

in the 11th century brought islam in india?

question 3 (worth 5 points)

"the city of baghdad formed two vast semi-circles on the right and left banks of the tigris, twelve miles in diameter. the numerous suburbs, covered with parks, gardens, villas and beautiful promenades, and plentifully supplied with rich bazaars, and finely built mosques and baths, stretched for a considerable distance on both sides of the river. in the days of its prosperity the population of baghdad and its suburbs amounted to over two millions! long wide estrades at the different gates of the city were used by the citizens for gossip and recreation or for watching the flow of travelers and country folk into the capital. the different nationalities in the capital had each a head officer to represent their interests with the government, and to whom the stranger could appeal for counsel or ."
—william stearns davis, ed., readings in ancient history: illustrative extracts from the sources, 2 vols. (boston: allyn and bacon, 1912-13), vol. ii: rome and the west, pp. 365-367

considering this excerpt written by the arab geographer yakut in the 13th century, what can we say about islamic baghdad at that time?

it tolerated a diverse population.
it forbade the practice of other religions.
it excluded non-muslims from the city.
it imposed laws to limit the rights of non-muslims.

question 4 (worth 5 points)

which best describes the muslim presence in north africa in the late seventh and early eighth centuries?
trade connections gave islam a presence in cities and ports where merchants went.
muslim missionaries first traveled throughout north africa, and armies followed later.
islam slowly converted the peoples of north africa without a military takeover.
muslim armies carried their faith west across the top of the entire continent.

question 5 (worth 5 points)

"andalus (the iberian peninsula), which was conquered in the year 92 of the hijra, continued for many years to be a dependency of the eastern khalifate, until it was snatched away from their hands by one of the surviving members of the family of umeyyah (umayyad), who, crossing over from barbary, subdued the country, and formed therein an independent kingdom, which he transmitted to his posterity. during three centuries and a half, andalus, governed by the princes of this dynasty, reached the utmost degree of power and prosperity, until civil war breaking out among its inhabitants, the muslims, weakened by internal discord, became every where the prey of the artful christians, and the territory of islam was considerably reduced, so much so that at the present moment the worshippers of the crucified hold the greatest part of andalus in their hands, and their country is divided into various powerful kingdoms, whose rulers assist each other whenever the muslims attack their territories."
—ibn said, book of the maghrib, in ahmed ibm mohammed al-makkari, the history of the mohammedan dynasties in spain, translated by pascuual de gayangos s, (london: oriental translation fund, 1840), 1, 95-102

according to this source, why did muslim al-andalus fall?
it fell because the umayyads lost their hold on the arab empire.
it fell because the divisions within the empire made it vulnerable to attack.
it fell because of the superior military forces of the christian crusaders.
it fell because muslims from the eastern khalifate conquered its lands.

question 6 (worth 5 points)

what impact did the frankish leader charles martel have on christian europe's relations with muslim spain in the eighth century?

he negotiated a clear border between spain and france.
he stopped the muslim advance from spain into france.
he welcomed ambassadors and scholars from moorish spain.
he established a christian kingdom in a corner of northern spain.

question 7 (worth 5 points)

"all the nations of the franks trembled at that terrible army, and they betook them to their king caldus (charles martel), and told him of the havoc made by the moslem horsemen, and bow they rode at their will through all the land of narbonne, toulouse, and bordeaux, and they told the king of the death of their count."
— anon arab chronicler

this passage is discussing

the battle of corboda
the battle of poitiers
the mamluk overthrowing of the abbasids
the invasion of the byzantine roman empire

question 8 (worth 5 points)

which of the following best describes how european powers responded to islamic expansion?
europeans sought to convert the arab people to christianity to counteract islamic influence.
europeans were desperate to get to china before the chinese were converted to islam.
europeans viewed the spread of islam as a threat and actively worked to stop it.
europeans cut off all trade with the islamic empire.

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