18.11.2020 • 

The Seljuks were a Muslim dynasty of Oghuz Turkic descent that invaded southwestern Asia in the 11th century. They were nomads who decided to settle down in Persia (now
Iran). They conquered what is now Iraq, and by 1070, they had moved to take what is today
Syria and parts of the Byzantine Empire. The Seljuks fought challenges from the Mongols
and other peoples before finally falling around 1200. Out of the ashes of the Seljuk kingdom
rose the Ottoman Empire, founded by one of the last Seljuk kings, Osman. Around 1299, he
began expanding his empire toward Europe. The Ottomans conquered Greece in 1352. In
1453, they took the seat of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, which they renamed
Istanbul. By 1517, they assumed control of Egypt on the African continent. Ottoman sultans
maintained a forceful presence on the edge of Europe through the 1920s.
Which of the following best describes the expansion of the Ottoman Empire?
The Ottoman Empire was based in Persia, and its territory was contained to what
the Seljuks had conquered before it.
The Ottoman Empire was able to take parts of Europe but never had territory on
the African continent.
The Ottoman Empire was based in Persia, and eventually included Britain and
The Ottoman Empire expanded to parts of Europe and North Africa, including
Greece and Egypt.

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