26.03.2020 • 

Use the two maps below to answer the following question:

Two maps are shown. The left map shows the cultural regions of Europe. Southern Europe includes Spain, Italy, and most of southeastern Europe. Eastern Europe includes Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and the western parts of Russia. Central Europe includes Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and Germany. Western Europe includes France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. Northern Europe includes Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. The right map shows languages that are spoken in Europe. Each country speaks its own unique language or languages except for Ireland and the United Kingdom which both speak English, Romania and Moldova which both speak Romanian, and parts of Belarus and the Ukraine which speak Russian in addition to their national languages.

Left Image: Public Domain
Right Image: Public Domain

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the information in the maps?

Each cultural region in Europe has one dominant language.
Western European languages are spoken by the majority of Europeans.
There are multiple languages spoken within each cultural region of Europe.
Eastern European languages are spreading into Western Europe.

Use the two maps below to answer the following question: Two maps are shown. The left map shows the

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