20.11.2020 • 

What is the main idea of this paragraph about sports played by knights in the Middle Ages? Knights participated in tournaments in order to practice and hone their skills for battle. At first, when tournaments began in the 1000’s, real weapons were used, and the losing knights, if they lived, would have to give up their horses and armor. Later, the use of blunt weapons and special armor was introduced, and knights began to joust as a part of the tournament. In jousting, two knights would face each other on horseback, and each would charge at the other at full speed, trying to knock the other off his horse with a single blow of a long lance. If the joust was a “joust of war” to settle a dispute, a sharp lance was used, and the loser often died. In a regular tournament, the losing knight lost only his dignity, which was considered a tragic loss at the time.
a) Knights were trained to battle on horseback from a very early age.
b The price of losing a joust or tournament could be very high.
c) Jousting started out as a competition played on foot.
d) All of the above

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