31.01.2021 • 

What were FOUR results of the War of 1812? The United States realized that it could defend itself and that it really was the best policy to steer clear of European wars and their entanglements.

The nation realized that its transportation system needed improvement, the solution being the building of roads and canals to connect to the West.

The Federalist Party gained more power in Congress and were able to handpick a successor to the President.

The textile industry and many other manufacturing industries in the United States grew quickly.

The death of the Federalist Party: The Federalists opposed the war and tried to get the Congress to oppose the President. They made their opposition known in the newspapers. Following the events that ended the war, the Federalists looked foolish and even treasonous to the rest of America.

The United States military grew strong enough to defeat any other nation.

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