06.03.2021 • 

Will give brainliest Latin american crash course questions

1. Who controlled Latin America before independence (three groups) ?

2. How many different racial cultures were in Latin America?

3. How was Brazil different from other Latin American countries?

4. How did Brazil become independent without shedding much blood?

5. How did peasant revolutions lead to Mexican independence?

6. How did the Venezuelan revolution occur?

7. How was Bolivar important?

8. How did Latin America become independent of Spain?

9. By 1825 what was teh political situation in Latin American?

10. What was popular sovereignty?

11. What was multiculturalism?

12. How did revolutions affect the strength of the Church?

13. Did Latin America remain a patriarchy?

14. Were all the revolutions successful?

15. What various events have occurred with revolutions in Latin America?

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