14.07.2019 • 

15 point! will give 5 stars and mark ! convert numbers to scientific notation. annual statistics concerning water bottles in the united states u.s. consumers purchase 50 billion bottles of water per year u.s. consumers recycle 8,333,333,333 water bottles per year choose the appropriate unit and then use technology to convert the numbers to scientific notation. bottles purchased: bottles recycled: compare the values. how many times larger is the number of bottles purchased versus those that were recycled? show your calculations. 2 annual statistics concerning coastal erosion california coast lines are eroding at a rate of 30 centimeters per year louisiana coast lines are eroding at a rate of 10 meters per year choose the appropriate unit and then use technology to convert the numbers to scientific notation. california coastal erosion: louisiana coastal erosion: compare the values. how many times greater is the coastal erosion in louisiana? show your calculations. size of the sun and earth radius of the sun is 695,500 kilometers radius of the earth is 6,371,000 meters 3 choose the appropriate unit and then use technology to convert the numbers to scientific notation. radius of sun: radius of earth: compare the values. how many times larger is the sun’s radius compared to the earth’s radius? show your calculations. 4 number of brain cells an ant brain has about 250,000 brain cells a human brain has 10,000 million brain cells choose the appropriate unit and then use technology to convert the numbers to scientific notation. ant brain cells: human brain cells: compare the values. how many times greater is the number of brain cells in a human as compared to the ant? show your calculations.

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