25.11.2021 • 

√2 CSCꝊ - 2=0 Solve for if 0° ≤ < 360

(this is what I have so far)
Assuming your equation is square_root(2) * csc(x) -2 =0:

Add 2 to both sides: square_root(2)* csc(x) = 2

Divide both sides by square_root(2): csc(x) = 2/square_root(2) > csc(x) = square_root(2)

Write csc(x) as 1/sin(x): 1/sin(x) = square_root(2)

Cross-multiply: sin(x) *square_root(2) = 1

Divide by square_root(2) on both sides: sin(x) = 1/square_root(2) = square_root(2)/2

Now you have the equation: sin(x) = square_root(2)/2

Which angles on the unit circle have a sine equal to √(2)/2

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