24.02.2021 • 

2. Match each equation to its solution and to the story it describes. Equations: A. 5x – 7 = 3
B.7 = 3(5 + x)
C. 3x + 5 = -7
D. ⅓(x + 7) =
3. 2
4. 8
• The temperature is -7. Since midnight the temperature tripled and then rose 5 degrees. What was temperature at midnight?
• Jada has 7 pink roses and some white roses. She gives all of them away: 5 roses to each of her 3 favorite teachers. How many white roses did she give away?
• A musical instrument company reduced the time it takes for a worker to build a guitar. Before the reduction it took 5 hours. Now in 7 hours they can build 3 guitars. By how much did they reduce the time it takes to build each guitar?
• A club puts its members into 5 groups for an activity. After 7 students have to leave early, there are only 3 students left to finish the activity. How many students were in each group?​

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