10.12.2020 • 

3. The local swim center is making a special offer. The normal, full price charge is $7 per day to pool. As a special offer, this month swimmers can pay an enrollment fee of $30 and then the da
only be $4 per day.
Complete the table (optional).
Normal Offer
Special Offer
a. Suppose you do not take he special offer.
Write an equation that represents the amount of
money you would spend based on how many
days you go to the pool if the passes were
bought at full price. (1 point)
b. Write a second equation that represents the
amount of money you would spend if you
decided to take the special offer. (1 point)
c. Graph your two equations from part (a) and (b).
Please ensure your scale allows you to show the
point of intersection. Include scales, labels, and
a title. (2 points)
d. After how many days of visiting the pool will
the special offer be a better deal? How can you see this graphically? (1 point)
e. Solve the system algebraically (3 points).

3. The local swim center is making a special offer. The normal, full price charge is $7 per day to

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