19.03.2020 • 

50 PTS
First Step: Hook your reader into wanting to read your article. You could tell a story or use a quote. You might relate the past to modern events or your readers’ lives. Introduce the event and basic facts like people and places. Use at least three to five sentences.

Second Step: Discuss one reason why the event is so important. Use facts to back up your idea.

Third Step: Discuss a second reason for the event’s importance. Use facts.

Fourth Step: Discuss a third reason for the event’s importance. Use facts.

Fifth Step: This is where you summarize and review what you wrote.

Thomas Jefferson, the main writer of the Declaration of Independence, won a contested election for U.S. president in 1800. The U.S. House of Representatives had to settle the results because Jefferson tied with Aaron Burr in the Electoral College. Back then, the runner-up in an election became vice president. During the presidencies of Washington and Adams, the government was mainly run by members of the Federalist party. Jefferson was the first U.S. president from the Democratic-Republican party. Many people feared that changing from one party to another would cause problems in the government. Those fears were quickly forgotten however, when the transfer of power from John Adams was peaceful. Jefferson would serve two terms as president with a different vision from either George Washington or Adams before him.

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