18.06.2020 • 

A researcher was interested about the weekly average usage of a local park in San Antonia, Texas. A study was designed to study the relationship between age and number of times residents visited the park each week. They were interested to see if age tends to impact the number of times residents visit the park. The surveyor collected responses information about age and the number of visits per week from 118 residents of San Antonia, Texas. They provided them with an anonymous paper survey to fill out. Required:
a. What are the observational units in this study?
b. Is number of visits per week the explanatory or response variable?
c. Is age the explanatory or response variable?
d. Is this an observational study or a randomized experiment?
e. What is the most concerning type of bias in this study? Why?
f. What is the appropriate scope of inference in this study

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