17.05.2021 • 

A train can accommodate at most 80 passengers, economy class (x) and firstclass (y) passengers. To avoid making a loss the train must carry at least ten economy class passengers and at least twenty first class passengers. Due to the
number of complementary items the first-class passengers receive, the number
of first-class passengers should be at most three times the number of economy
class passengers.
First class tickets cost N$5000 while economy class tickets cost N$3000.
i) State/ describe what the variables x and y represent.
ii) State the objective function.
iii) List the constraints.
iv) Draw and clearly label the constraints on graph paper.
v) Clearly show and label the feasible region.
vi) From the graph deduce the number of economy and first-class tickets
that should be sold to make as much money as possible.
vii) Work out the maximum amount of money from ticket sales that the
train company will make.

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