29.04.2021 • 

And IQ. (2)
(30 MARKS)
3.1 Apart from being in the education sector, Richfield also has a fleet of cars available for rent.
Statistics shows that the Mercedes AMG G63 is the most rented car among their fleet and one in
four customers request this make.
If 5 of today's rentals are selected, what is the probability that 2 clients would have rented an
AMG G63?
3.2 Bicycles for hire at the Durban Beach front are deemed beyond repair when one or both its
wheels are damaged. According to current statistics, there is an 8% chance that the front wheel
gets damaged and a 12% chance the back wheel gets damaged.
What is the probability that a hired bike will be deemed beyond repair, provided that the wheels
get damaged independently of each other?

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