26.06.2019 • 

Calculate the volume of the solid of revolution created by rotating the curve y=4+6 exp(-5 x) about the x-axis, for x between 1 and 4. volume : 16 incorrect: your answer is incorrect. the equation of a circle of radius r, centered at the origin (0,0), is given by r^2=x^2+y^2 rearrange this equation to find a formula for y in terms of x and r. (take the positive root.) equation: y = click here to preview your answer. what solid of revolution is swept out if this curve is rotated around the x axis, and x is allowed to vary between -r and r ? (you do not need to enter this answer into webassign.) suppose we wanted to set up the following integral so that v gives the volume of a sphere of radius r v=int_a^b f(x)text( )dx what would a, b and f(x) be? a = click here to preview your answer. b = click here to preview your answer. f(x) = click here to preview your answer. (webassign note: remember that you enter pi as pi ) carry out the integration, and calculate the value of v in terms of r. v = click here to preview your answer.

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