02.08.2021 • 

Carnegie drove to work at the University of Melbourne. Time Bill drove to place of work (TIME) depends on departure time (DEPART), quantity
the traffic light (red) he came across (REDS) and the number of trains he
had to wait at Murrumbeena (TRAINS). Observations on these variables for 231 days
work in 2006 appears in the file de_05.csv. TIME is calculated in
minute. DEPART is the number of minutes after 6:30 am that Bill departs.
a. Estimate the regression equation below and report the results for significance
The statistics of the estimated coefficients are at the 5% significance level.
TIME DEPART REDS TRAINS = + + + + 1 2 3 4
b. Explain the meaning of the estimated coefficients (including the coefficient estimate)
block out). Indicate whether the signs of these estimates agree with reality
are not? Explain?
c. At the 5% significance level, carry out all necessary tests for the error of .
paradigm. Report the results and suggest how to fix the corresponding error (Reality)
always with errors that can be fixed immediately).
(Assuming the original model is error-free)
d. Using the 5% significance level, test the statement that each time
red makes Bill less than two minutes late for work
e. Using the 10% significance level, test the hypothesis that each train
make Bill 3 minutes late to work .
f. Estimate 95% confidence intervals of TIME at DEPART = 33, REDS = 8,
TRAINS = 1 and tell the meaning?

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