17.12.2019 • 

College graduation rates. data from the college results online website compared the 2011 graduation rate and school size for 92 similar- sized public universities and colleges in the united states. statistical software was used to create the linear regression model using size as the explanatory variable and graduation rate as the response variable. summary output from the software and the scatter plot are shown below. round all calculated results to three decimal places. coefficients estimate std.error t value pr(t) intercept 41,.442572 4.427554 9.36 6.1e- 15 size0.001051 0.000481 2.18 0.031 residual standard error: 13.1 on 90 degrees of freedom multiple r-squared: 0.0504,adjusted r-squared: 0.0398 f-statistic: 4.77 on 1 and 90 df, p-value: 0.0315 graduation rate by size 6000 8000 2000 4000 size of school

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