08.10.2020 • 

Complete the tasks and answer the questions. Use the 2SD method to estimate the true proportion of the population of your city that dislikes the taste of cilantro. State the resulting confidence interval in both forms – the interval notation and the sample proportion ± the margin of error notation. Write the interpretation of this confidence interval. Use the theory-based method to estimate the true proportion of the population of your city that dislikes the taste of cilantro with a 95% confidence interval. State the resulting confidence interval in both forms – the interval notation and the sample proportion ± the margin of error notation. Write the interpretation of this confidence interval. Use the theory-based method to estimate the true proportion of the population of your city that dislikes the taste of cilantro with an 88% confidence interval. State the resulting confidence interval in both forms – the interval notation and the sample proportion ± the margin of error notation. Write the interpretation of this confidence interval. Your initial post should be made before the end of the fourth day (Saturday) of the module to receive full credit. Return at least once later in the module to comment on at least one classmate's posts. Do NOT "post and run" – making all of your posts on the same visit. You need multiple visits to the Discussions to gain multiple perspectives by reading all of the posts and replies.

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