14.03.2020 • 

Compute P(x) using the binomial probability formula. Then determine whether the normal distribution can be used to estimate this probability. If so, approximate P(x) using the normal distribution and compare the result with the exact probability.A) For n=58, p= 0.3, and x=12, use the binomial probability formula to find P(X).B) Approxiamte P(x) using the normal distribution. Use a standard distribution table.C) By how much to the probabilities differ?D) Why can the normal distrubution be used to approximate this probabilitya. because np(1-p) %u2265 10b. because np(1-p) %u2264 10c. because %u221Anp(1-p) %u2265 10d. because %u221Anp(1-p) %u2264 10E) When contracting a normal probability plot, what does fi represent?a. the value of fi represents the expected number of observation less than or equal to the ith data valueb. the value of fi represents the expectedz-score of the ith data valuec. the value of fi represents the expected proportion of observation less than or equal to the ith data value

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