25.11.2019 • 

Consider the following symbols and their frequencies: a: 0.20, b: 0.10, c: 0.15, d: 0.25, e: 0.30 since b and c are the symbols of least weight, they are combined into a subtree, which we will call t1 for discussion purposes, of weight 0.10 + 0.15 = 0.25, with the larger weight symbol, c, on the left. now, the two trees of the smallest weight are the single symbol a and either t1 or the single symbol d (both have weight 0.25). we break the tie arbitrarily in favor of t1, so we get a tree t2 with left subtree t1 and right subtree a. if we continue constructing the tree as mentioned, the huffman codes of the symbols a, b, c, d, and e are as follows:

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