14.10.2020 • 

Darpana solved the equation s = StartFraction a + b + c Over 3 EndFraction for a. Her steps are shown below: 1. Multiply by 3: s = StartFraction a + b + c Over 3 EndFraction. 3 s = a + b + c. 2. Subtract b: 3 s minus b = a + b + c minus b. 3 s minus b = a + c. 3. Divide by c: StartFraction 3 s minus b Over c EndFraction = a. Which statement about Darpana's work is true? In step 1 she needed to divide by 3 rather than multiply. In step 2 she needed to add b rather than subtract. In step 3 she needed to subtract c rather than divide. Darpana solved the equation correctly.

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