30.06.2021 • 

Directions: Use this method to solve application problems. Note: Be sure to set up your proportions correctly! 17. Lime Green pain is made by mixing 7 parts yellow to 3 parts blue. How much yellow should be mixed with 9 pints of blue?
18. Mix 3 quarts of water with 2 lemons to make lemonade. How many quarts of water are mixed with 1 lemon?
19. Mix 6 parts of cornstarch to 1 part water to make goo. How much water should be used with 2 cups of cornstarch?
20. Oranges sell for 12 oranges for a dollar. How much will 27 oranges cost?
21. On a map, 1 inch equals 15 miles. How many miles apart are two towns that are 6.4 inches apart on the map?
22. Sheila’s car gets 42 miles per one gallon of gas. How much gas will she use on a 575-mile trip?
23. Mark can drive 250 miles in 4 hours. How far can he drive in 6 hours?
24. At a music concert, there were 5 females for every 4 males. If there were 300 females, how many males attended the concert?
25. If one US dollar equals $.85 in foreign currency, then what would $10.71 in foreign currency equal in US currency?

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