28.11.2021 • 

Even though most people have never taken calculus, they come in contact with derivatives fairly often. They just don't realize it! Now that you've begun your study of calculus you'll recognize calculus when it pops up in your life. Your job for this discussion is to find a real-life mention of a derivative. In a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical published within the last two years, find a mention of a derivative. (You know what words to look for.)

1. The source of your quotation: The name of the publication, the date it was published, and where you found it.

2. Quote the sentence or sentences that mention the derivative. If necessary, you can paraphrase material from earlier in the article to give some context for your sentences. Note that the material need not mention the word "derivative" explicitly, but instead may just talk about "change."

3. Identify the derivative, as you did in the previous assignment; include units, and define all your variables.

4. Note any other information you think is interesting about your find. For example, what's the target audience for the periodical, and would they be surprised to know that they were brushing up against calculus? Or, what conclusions did the authors draw with the help of this derivative? Or, why is this topic of particular interest to you?

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