20.11.2019 • 

For the following functions, find the differential operator l that annihilates the given function. you may write the operator in factored form, and you must make the degree of the operator as low as possible and make the leading coefficient 1. for example, l= (d – 1)(d – 2) annihilates y = 3e2 + 17e2x. in other words, the function y = 3ex + 17e2x is a solution to the linear homogeneous ode with constant coefficients l[y] = (d – 1)(d – 2)[y] = 0. (a) l = (d+2)(d-1) annihilates y = 9e-2x + 5elx. (b) l= annihilates y = -6x3e-6x (c) l = (d-4)^2+(2)^2 annihilates y = 241 sin(2x). (d) l = annihilates y = 3x4 cos(5x) – 2x2 sin(5x) – x²e-4x.

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